Recreational Water Quality

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testing & transparency

The City of St. Petersburg strives to maintain safe water for the health of the local environment and the people who enjoy it. The map and reports below provide information about the quality of environmental health, ambient water quality monitoring, trends in water quality, and monitoring programs for sanitary sewers, background conditions, beaches, and recreational areas.

The water quality data that was previously presented in tables has been consolidated into the below all-in-one interactive map. 

Recreational Water Quality Map

Recreational water quality is sampled and tested by the City of St. Petersburg Environmental Compliance Division at select surface water locations. Weekly testing is conducted on Wednesday and results are usually posted on Thursday. If the test indicates sub-par water quality, testing will be performed again the following day. Results of the second test will be posted on Friday. If the second test still indicates poor quality, an advisory will be issued for the sampling site.

How You Can Help

Help minimize pollution in St. Pete's waters by following the below guidelines. 

  • Properly dispose of yard waste - gather yard waste and put in your compost or bag it and dispose of it in the trash, or take it to one of the city's brush sites
  • Always pick up your dog's waste - the bacteria found in dog waste can be harmful if it makes its way to local waterways
  • Adhere to St. Pete's yearly fertilizer ban that runs June 1 to September 30 - more at
  • Only use your sprinklers when necessary and never when it’s raining
  • Wash your car at a commercial car wash or over grass/gravel if you must wash it at home

Recreational Water Quality Results

A statewide testing program for enterococci has been recommended by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a saltwater quality indicator. According to studies conducted by the EPA, enterococci have a greater correlation with swimming-associated gastrointestinal illness in both marine and fresh waters than other bacterial indicator organisms and are less likely to "die off" in saltwater.


2019: Water Quality Report Card
Summary of data collected for monitoring programs the City has implemented to provide critical insights to the status and trends in water for two central themes related to water quality – Environmental Health and Human Health to meet the requirements of Consent Order (OGC No. 16-1280).

Red Tide & Harmful Algae 

Red tide is a discoloration of a waterbody surface that occurs when colonies of algae grow out of control. Red tide blooms occur nearly every summer on Florida’s Gulf Coast and the most notable impacts are fish kills and unpleasant odors.

Find information related to red tide in St. Pete at